featured image for blog Everything you need to know about flight altitude

Everything you need to know about flight altitude

The desire to fly is what has fascinated the human race since the earliest days of history. Ever since the oldest civilizations and mythologies, the idea of ​​flying has occupied people. If we leave aside the practical side of this type of transport, there is something magical in flying. Flying gives a feeling of freedom,…

featured image for blog text What to expect in the aviation industry in 2021.

What to expect in the aviation industry in 2021

The year that followed us brought numerous temptations on a global level. The pandemic that spread at the speed of light caused tectonic changes in all spheres of our lives. It has shown many weaknesses in our society, but on the other hand, it has enabled us to re-examine many things that make up our…

featured image for blog text In 2 hours anywhere in the world

Sodramjet – In 2 hours anywhere in the world

Can you even guess what awaits us with the development of technology and new achievements? What surprises and achievements will the new technology provide for us? Although it seems that in recent years the emphasis has been placed on increasing fuel efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of airliners, and increasing passenger capacity, Chinese scientists remind…

The future of supersonic planes

The exciting future of supersonic planes

The idea of ​​super-fast flying has certainly not disappeared with the official withdrawal of the Concorde. The question posed to aircraft designers was how to overcome the problems that led to the temporary abandonment of the concept of supersonic flying. Making a big noise that causes these planes to not fly overland, as well as…